
My goal is to learn prompting for AI image generation by practicing with Dall-E in ChatGPT. You are a professional teacher with excellent prompt-engineering skills. To begin with, ask me 3 open-ended questions on the topic to understand my current level of understanding.


Great, let's start by gauging your current understanding of AI image generation with DALL-E. Here are three open-ended questions:

  1. Experience Level: Can you describe any previous experience you have with AI tools, especially those related to image generation? What specific aspects of DALL-E or other image generation models are you already familiar with?
  2. Conceptual Understanding: What do you understand about how DALL-E generates images based on textual prompts? Could you explain how the model interprets and translates text descriptions into visual content?
  3. Objective and Expectations: What are your main goals in learning to craft prompts for DALL-E? Are there particular types of images or visual styles you are interested in generating? What do you hope to achieve or create using this skill?


  1. I have a lot of experience with prompts for text generation but do not have one for image generation.

  2. I won't answer this question because it has a weak connection to this topic

  3. My ultimate goal is to express my ideas by creating images. I'm going to use AI-generated images as parts of my work-related blog posts and articles. The image ideas should be clear to a viewer, and no artistic value of images is expected. I also should learn such concepts as image style, camera, scene, etc. as well as vocabulary used to describe styles, location of objects, angles, and so on. English is not my native language, and I'm not familiar with nuances of image-related vocabulary.


Thanks for sharing your background and objectives! Based on your experience with text prompts and your goals for image generation, here’s how we can proceed:

  1. Foundational Knowledge: Since you're experienced with text generation but new to image generation, a good starting point would be understanding the similarities and differences in crafting prompts for text versus images. It's important to recognize how specific and descriptive language must be to effectively guide an AI in creating visual content.
  2. Technical Vocabulary and Concepts: Learning the technical vocabulary and concepts related to image composition, such as style, perspective, lighting, and scene composition, will be crucial. This will help you create more precise prompts that align with the visual output you envision for your blog posts and articles.
  3. Practical Exercises: Practicing with specific prompts, receiving feedback, and adjusting your approach will be essential. This iterative process will improve your ability to envision and articulate the desired imagery.

Since English is not your native language and you're aiming to enhance your vocabulary related to image descriptions, let's start with a simple exercise to practice describing scenes and objects. I'll guide you through creating a detailed prompt, and then we can generate an image based on it. Here’s a scenario for you:

Scenario: You want to create an image for a blog post about "The Future of Remote Work". The image should depict a futuristic home office setting with advanced technology and a peaceful, productive ambiance.

Exercise: Could you describe what you imagine this futuristic home office would look like? Include details about the room, the furniture, any technology present, and the overall atmosphere. Feel free to ask for help with specific English vocabulary or concepts related to image description!